We will source candidates as per your hiring criteria
Whether it is the candidate with pedigree, experience, proven or assessed skills, candidates from specific target companies or colleges, we will go all the way out to find the candidates you have asked for.
Worked in a B2B startup

3 Years Node js Experience
Open source contribution
Ready to Interview Candidates, Every Week
To schedule an interview with ONE or more candidates of your choice is now just a click away.
Close your positions now faster than ever.
No Hiring Fees
No Placement Fees
Free Sourcing
Free Resumes DB
Unlimited Logins
Unlimited Job Postings
Employers pay ₹2,500, only when you book an interview with a candidate
Pricing Comparison
FindingJo Vs Recruitment Agency
pricing comparison
Pay per
₹2,500 per
interview scheduled
Candidate Hired At,
₹10L per year
Total Hiring Cost
5 candidates interviewed
1 successful hire
Total Hiring Cost

Pay per
8%-28% of
candidate's salary
Candidate Hired At,
₹10L per year
Total Hiring Cost
5 candidates interviewed
1 successful hire
Total Hiring Cost
Start with Pay-Per-Hire Pilot
Switch to Pay-Per-Interview any time, once you are convinced about the FindingJo model